We are pleased to announce that Zahrawi Group Molecular, Immunology & Microbiology team received an award in recognition for their QuantiFERON Achievements in 2021 handed by our partner Qiagen.

Zahrawi Group started the distribution of Qiagen QuantiFERON in Q2 – 2021 and we succeeded in growing the business in a very short time demonstrating a very high-level of professionalism by deploying our resources in the market and working closely with the customers and policy makers.

Congratulations to our MBU team for this astonishing accomplishment!

Zahrawi Group took the lead since the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 to provide all the possible solutions for the COVID-19 patients. Antibody level testing helps clinicians to establish whether patients have immunity against COVID-19 which impacts the nature of the treatment and the vaccine needed for them.

DiaSorin provided the most comprehensive, accurate, and quantitative assay (LIAISON® SARS-CoV-2 TrimericS IgG assay) which is WHO standardized; therefore we are honoured to announce that Zahrawi Group Molecular, Immunology & Microbiology team was awarded by our partner DiaSorin Top Performing Distributor for COVID-19 as a recognition for the huge contribution to the UAE market during the Pandemic.

Congratulations to them for accomplishing such a remarkable milestone!

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