Our Medical Equipment Unit with the support of our Service Unit successfully completed the installation and commissioning of the SX1000T Hydrotherapy and Exercise Pool with paddlewheel propulsion system from our principal company SwimEx at the Seniors’ Happiness Centre Mamzar – DHA in Dubai.

The SX1000T is considered the largest, most versatile pool in the SwimEx professional line, it features a 99-speed adjustable water current, large still water treatment area, and three standard water depths. Thanks to its water surface of 3.05m x 4.27m, we have an ample room for aquatic therapy, exercise, and group classes. This ultimate aquatic machine offers the option to individually treat multiple patients during the same session.

This project was challenging for our teams because for the first time Zahrawi Group is handling this type of systems but thanks to their hard work and with the support of our partner SwimEx, we were able to deliver the project with the usual high standards of quality and excellence.

Congratulations to our Medical Equipment Unit and Service Unit for this great win and reaching this amazing milestone.

We proudly announce that Zahrawi Group Haematology & Biochemistry Unit in Qatar has successfully installed 27 units of the Automated miniised ESR analysers from our principal company Alcor Scientific in Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) in Qatar.

The 27 units were installed in the 27 different PHCC branches across the state of Qatar by four of our service engineers who managed to finalize the installation in a three-days’ time. A brief training was also given by the engineers as per the customer’s request along with the application specialist formal training for the whole staff.

Due to the current difficult situation and restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, the project was very challenging but thanks to the hard work and efforts of the Haematology & Biochemistry sales team along with the support of our Service Unit, we were able to transform this challenging situation into a great win for Zahrawi Group.

Congratulations again to our Qatar Haematology & Biochemistry Unit and Service Unit engineers.

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